Meet Lisa Dvorin - SHIM

Something is always happening at SHIM

Meet Lisa Dvorin

Lisa Dvorin and familySHIM is grateful for the many individual donors who provide 60% of SHIM’s revenue. Our recurring donors, who contribute monthly to ensure SHIM receives reliable income to provide essential services, have a lasting impact. We’d like to introduce one such donor, our friend Lisa Dvorin.

“I feel grateful for all of my blessings; and I feel grateful to be able to help others.”

A native of the Detroit area, Lisa moved to Pittsburgh 15 years ago with her husband, a Rochester, NY native. She was drawn to the people and community. Along with appreciating the strong school district, Lisa enjoys running into friendly neighbors while walking her dog. Now as a mother of three, her children have only known Pittsburgh as home.

Lisa first learned about SHIM through her synagogue, Temple Emanuel of South Hills. As a dedicated partner of SHIM, Temple Emanuel offers congregants frequent opportunities to volunteer or donate to SHIM. Lisa was drawn to SHIM for its ability to directly impact our South Hills neighborhoods. In Judaism one of the central mitzvahs (or commandments) is tzedakah, which means “justice”. Lisa’s drive to help create a more just and equal society led her to become a sustaining donor to SHIM.

“It is truly astounding how much positive impact SHIM has on our community. SHIM provides food and other essentials, education, and assistance in many other areas. More than anything, though, SHIM provides hope and care.”

Lisa also gives back to the community as a kindergarten teacher at Temple Emanuel’s religious school. She enjoys teaching her students about Tzedakah, creating a website specifically dedicated to Jewish crafts-

A generous supporter of many causes, Lisa chooses to have a continuous impact on SHIM by giving monthly. Sustaining gifts ensure SHIM’s ability to continue providing essential programs. SHIM is grateful to Lisa and our other neighbors who choose to become recurring donors.

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