EOY 2023 branding

You have the power to make a difference in the lives of your neighbors.


The world’s problems sometimes overwhelm us so much that we feel like nothing we do will make a difference. But you have the power to help your neighbors meet basic needs and achieve self-sufficiency.


Give now to make a difference in your own community!

You have chosen to making a difference.

SHIM’s work relies on one thing. You. Your generous gifts power the work that helps our struggling neighbors get back on their feet.

Please note that you can update or cancel your recurring donation at any time by contacting Rachel White at rwhite@shimcares.org or 412-854-9120 ext. 112.

$1,000 helps 10 families put food on the table for six months
$500 gives an emergency grant so a local woman and her family can avoid eviction
$250 enables 60 teens to explore career options and visit college campuses with our Youth Mentoring Program
$100 gives 50 children an immersive learning experience in our summer camp
$50 provides the seeds to grow hundreds of pounds of produce in SHIM’s community gardens
Looking for other ways to give? Click here to learn more.

Prefer to give via PayPal?

Click on the yellow button to give securely.


(Please note that the form to the left is not connected to PayPal and information entered there will not be stored if you complete your transaction via PayPal.)

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We love getting to know our neighbors! Please click here to fill out a quick survey to let us know your communication preferences and more.

Kyla with pantry client

Read more about how your gift changes the lives of South Hills neighbors like Kyla.